I just went through all of our photos from the Military Appreciation game and unfortunately we do not have any shots of the PSA being ran on the video board. The video was aired during our pregame on 9/1 and took place between scheduled military recognition on the field.
PA Announcement
PSA Video Board Broadcasted radio spots
PA announcer:30 second videoboard
PSA, LED, Jumbo, fan give-a-way, DAV Logo on Jerseys all season
PSA, PA and radio
On field Promotion
PA Announcements
First Pitch
Game Tickets
9 Games Starting August 7th
PA Announcement
Playoffs added
7 games PA PSA and Radio
Game Tickets & Kiosk
10 games
DAV contact Leslie Egointher 919-423-5003
The team provided 56 tickets and table PSA
DAV-PSA Runs along with an announcement about Free Texas Lottery Tickets to Support Disabled Texas Veterans*.
Sports Media Inc | Dan Kost | Dank@SportsMedia.net | (312) 436-0500 | www.SportsMedia.net
3-5-18 approved radio, video, :30 radio and one :30 TV spot per game.
Public Service Announcement DAV
Video PSA month of August